All Inclusive Limo Party $530*
Our kids limo is all inclusive with the limo full of candy, refreshments, and fun. There are 2 hours to be spent partying and traveling to and from the next destination. But the fun doesn’t have to end there. You can get additional hours to decorate the limo, have the driver wait during longer event and travel to more destinations for just $99 an hour*
Additional hours must be booked in advance
* Tip not included
Denver’s Only Limo Candy Bar
Candy Bar Included!
The party gets started with an overflowing bar full of Candy! There is a magical reaction when your child and their friends see the variety of candy available to them to grab. They feel like they are in a dream come true!
“……This is the best day of my life!” PLAY VIDEO

Denver's Only Kids Party Limo
Denver's Only Kids Party Limo
What’s Included?
The party gets started with an overflowing bar full of Candy. There is a magical reaction when your child and their friends see the variety of candy available to them to grab. They feel like they are in a dream come true!
2. Where Should We Go in the Limo?
Some destination ideas kids have enjoyed going for parties: scavenger hunts, ice cream, nails/spa, bowling, Starbucks, Chuck e Cheese, Skate City, Urban Air, Red Rocks, the park, Just cruise around downtown or your hood!
3. Can You Book Additional Hours?
Yes, you can Book Additional Hours for $99/Hr
4. How many people can fit in the limo?
13 total!
12 kids and at least 1 adult is required